Almost Done!

Substance Policy

Do not enter the premises with the aroma of marijuana or alcohol. Marijuana, alcohol or other recreational drugs not prohibited on the premises.

Scheduling Policy

Please be punctual. A five minute grace period is provided.
Working on a three strike policy. Being late beyond the grace period without prior contact or not showing up for a scheduled appointment will result in a strike. Three strikes will result in you being charged for a missed appointment or having an additional fee being charged to you. After three strikes, all future appointments will be null and void until penalty payment is processed and personal approval will be required to continue scheduling future appointments. If an appointment needs to be rescheduled, please cancel and reschedule 24 hours in advance.

NOTE: If you wish to schedule an appointment for a child under the age of 4, please reach out directly prior to scheduling to confirm the appointment.


Please be mindful of the guests you are bringing. No large groups or loud conversations in the lobby. Respect the other nearby businesses.


Cash payments are preferred. There will be an 8.3% charge on card payments.